Computer Graphics
Multirate Shading with Piecewise Interpolatory Approximation
We present a multirate shading approach via dynamic sparse sampling with piecewise linear reconstruction.
Yiwei Hu
Yazhen Yuan
Rui Wang
Zhuo Yang
Hujun Bao
Node Graph Optimization Using Differentiable Proxies
We propose an improved node graph optimization method for inverse procedural material modeling which enables matching both structure and appearance of an output material to a target material.
Yiwei Hu
Paul Guerrero
Miloš Hašan
Holly Rushmeier
Valentin Deschaintre
Controlling Material Appearance by Examples
We present a by-example material appearance transfer method that can augment input material maps based on user-provided material photos.
Yiwei Hu
Miloš Hašan
Paul Guerrero
Holly Rushmeier
Valentin Deschaintre
An Inverse Procedural Modeling Pipeline for SVBRDF Maps
We present a semi-automatic pipeline for general material proceduralization which converts SV-BRDF maps to a procedural graph representation without relying on a pre-defined graph as auxiliary input.
Yiwei Hu
Chengan He
Valentin Deschaintre
Julie Dorsey
Holly Rushmeier