Yiwei Hu

Yiwei Hu

Research Scientist

Adobe Research


I am a research scientist at Adobe Research. I received my Ph.D. from Yale University, under the supervision by Prof. Holly Rushmeier and Prof. Julie Dorsey. Prior to Yale, I received my bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University, advised by Prof. Rui Wang.

My research focuses on computer graphics. I am interested in topics about procedural and generative 2D/3D modeling (material, shape, lighting etc). I am open to collaborations and looking for strong Ph.D. students who is interested in Adobe internship program.

  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • PhD in Computer Graphics, 2023

    Yale University

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2018

    Zhejiang University


(2024). Procedural Material Generation with Reinforcement Learning. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024).

(2024). RGB↔X: Image Decomposition and Synthesis Using Material- and Lighting-aware Diffusion Models. SIGGRAPH 2024.

PDF Project

(2024). TexSliders: Diffusion-Based Texture Editing in CLIP Space. SIGGRAPH 2024.

PDF Cite Project

(2023). Generating Procedural Materials from Text or Image Prompts. SIGGRAPH 2023.

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). Multirate Shading with Piecewise Interpolatory Approximation. Computer Graphics Forum, Proc. of Pacific Graphics (PG 2022).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). Node Graph Optimization Using Differentiable Proxies. SIGGRAPH 2022.

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). Controlling Material Appearance by Examples. Computer Graphics Forum, Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR 2022).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). An Inverse Procedural Modeling Pipeline for SVBRDF Maps. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2022).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2019). A Novel Framework for Inverse Procedural Texture Modeling. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2019).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2019). Novel Radiomic Features Based on Graph Theory for PET Image Analysis. IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019).